Global Chinese Studies
Global Conference Proceedings (GCP)

Global Conference Proceedings (GCP) is an extensive collection of rich metadata and full text in multiple languages from over a thousand international and local conferences to make conference articles on various subjects of Chinese studies instantly discoverable. Global Conference Proceedings (GCP) is part of Global Chinese Studies (GCS)*.

*Global Chinese Studies (GCS) offers a rewarding research and discovery experience with an extensive collection of materials in multiple languages in all areas of Chinese studies. It covers a wide range of primary and reference sources, bringing together rich metadata and full text from thousands of sources to make research items instantly discoverable. GCS has supported research needs at academic libraries and government agencies with peer-reviewed contents and grey literature.

Main Features:
  • Unique Collection of Conference Proceedings in Multiple Languages;
  • Extensive Coverage;
  • Instant Discovery;
  • Maximum Promotion of Research Output
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